quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007

sinto-me cinzenta e sento-me no laranja.....

My past, my future, my disease
Perhaps collapse to make me seize
A moment
Just a breeze
Grateful, humble I allow
These words to be the past somehow
I wonder
Am I here now
Am I here now
I feel hear see and it confuses me
I am wrong
I am here now
Is mine I'll take it
All around the world
Take my future past, it's fine
But now is mine
My precious present will you bloom
To make this fourth dimension womb
Stop askingStop asking why
All I know is all I am
Will never fully understand my breathing
I try
How I try to feel hear see and it confuses me
I am wrong
I am here now
Is mine I'll take it
All around the world
Take my future past, it's fine
But now is mine

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2007


Entre ontem e hoje comemora-se o Samhain.... a barreira entre os mundos está mais fraca, facilitando assim, o contacto com entes queridos que já se foram....
por isso se puderem acendam uma vela.... para os guiar... porque nesta noite de 31 de outubro o ceu tambem está coberto de estrelas.....